Contact me if you have questions about my books, my songs, or anything else. I don’t appreciate offers of services through my website, but if you have a genuine question or want to know more about any of my work, I am happy to respond as able. I look forward to hearing from you. Don’t forget to check out Aristata Press!
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More about Aristata Press
Aristata Press seeks fresh literary fiction, poetry and non-fiction by authors who represent diverse voices. If you are interested in working with them please reach out through their contact form. As a non-profit organization, Aristata Press depends on charitable contributions and volunteers to keep the lights on. Aristata is a tax exempt–501(c)(3)–organization (EIN 92-0281706), which means that your contributions are tax deductible. Contributions that they receive will go directly to supporting the publications of deserving literary works by authors that for one reason or another would be unlikely to find a home in the for-profit publishing sector.